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UTV Safety

Any rider can benefit from safety tips. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never hit the trail before or are a seasoned pro – it’s important to prioritize safety when you ride your side by side. Here at Family Powersports San Angelo, we care about our customers’ safety. That’s why we created the following guide with our favorite tips for avoiding danger on the trail. For all your powersports needs, visit our dealership! We proudly serve those in Abilene, Texas.

Stay on the Path

Your side by side is designed to conquer difficult trails that are not as well groomed as city streets, but you still need to stick to the established path. It’s built there for a reason – that’s the path you can expect to travel safely on yourĀ UTV. If you leave, there could be a whole host of issues. You could damage the delicate ecosystems by tearing up the ground, crushing plants and bugs, and so on. You could also damage your UTV by ending up in a situation that’s more than you bargained for. Worst case scenario, you could also damage yourself in a crash. These are all terrible consequences and easily avoidable. Just stick to the established Trail.

Get the Gear

When you ride in a UTV, you ride exposed to the world around you. That’s part of the allure, of course, to have the wind in your hair and the sun in your face. But it also means that you are exposed to harsh weather conditions, kicked-up debris, and even low hanging branches. You’ll need gear to keep yourself safe on the Trail.

First, you’ll need head protection. Look for a helmet that fits well and is crash test rated. If your helmet doesn’t come with a visor, you’ll want to get a sturdy pair of goggles to protect your eyes.

Second, you’ll need to guard your skin. Get full-length clothing to get the best protection. If you like to ride in the summer when it’s hot, you can look for breathable material in light colors to help keep yourself cool.

Build a Safety Kit

You’ll want to be prepared for the variety of situations that can crop up on the trail. First, you want to be ready in case your side by side experiences any issues. Build a repair kit with tire patches, a flashlight, screwdrivers, wrenches, and an air compressor to quickly inflate tires on the road. Second, you’ll want to be ready in case you experience any minor medical issues. Always pack along a first aid kit that includes bandages, ointments, and over-the-counter medications. This will help either tend to your needs or tide you over until you can get medical help. You’ll also want an emergency radio and your cell phone (with its charger) so that you can summon help if needed.

Bring a Buddy

It’s smart to ride your UTV with someone else. They can immediately help assist you if something goes wrong by either fixing the situation or leaving to get help. Plus, a riding buddy makes the ride even more fun!

We hope you found our guide helpful! For all your side by side needs, visit Family Powersports San Angelo. If you are looking to buy, check out our wide range of UTV options and take your favorites for a test ride. Look into our trade-in options and finance options to help get your dream vehicle home sooner. If you already own a UTV, remember that we offer parts replacement and service options. We proudly serve those in Abilene, Big Spring, and Sonora, Texas.

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